The Mashwani (also Moshwani, Mishwani, Miswani) are a tribal group, living predominantly in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The progenitor of the Mashwanis was a Syed, that is a descendant of the Muslim prophet Muhammad, Sayed Muhammad Hamzah married a Pashtun woman of Kakar Tribe and he has a son name Sayed Masud (Moshwani). While Verdak and Honey from an another woman of Pushtoon Tribe and Sherani. Since the Pashtun lineage traditionally stems from the father, this tribe is not recognised as Pashtun according to Pashtunwali. Mashwanis names frequently have the prefix "Syed", meaning belonging to the family of Muhammad.
They are well settled in large numbers in the district of Haripur N.W.F.P of Pakistan and in Dir. They are still good in numbers around Kabul and more than one hundred families in Gandghar. Also they are settled in Daccan Hyderabad of India Mashwanis are brave people with some great history. They have played a brave role against Sikhs and British with Pashtun tribes of the region like Swatis, Tareens, Shalmani, and Jadoons. People like Salim Shah Mashwani, who was martyred by Sikhs, are heroes of Pashtuns.
Their spoken language is Pashto and some of the famous Khels and susbsections are Lodin, Matkani, Roghani, Kazyooni, Ghareeb, Yousafkhel, Moosakhel, Adamkhel, Sakhar, Hasanhhel (Sindh), Azadkhel, Murjankhel, Bhatal, Amanikhel, Janikhel, Rahati and senkhel duarakhhel and also japani
Syed Umer Khetab of District Haripur Gallai has researched for the last 30-35 years how the Moshwani came to Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.
Sirikot at the edge of Islamabad and Punjab but actually serikot is situated in hazara division district haripur. In hazara the main district are mansehra, abbottabad, haripur, kohistan etc. in all these district most of the people speek HINDKO. The MASHWANI living in hazara but we can proudly say that we are pathan and all mashwani who are living in haripur are 100% pushto speeking .Serikot is in tehsil ghazi but another most populated area of mashwani's is goodvalley 14 km from haripur and 15 km from Punjab (hassanabdal).Goodvalley behind the serikot and in the bottom of high hills of serikot toward haripur. other important areas of mashwani's are basu mera, bugnian and baka. Other then haripur mashwani are living in the quetta also
The Mashwani (also Moshwani, Mishwani, Miswani) are a tribal group, living predominantly in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The progenitor of the Mashwanis was a Syed, that is a descendant of the Muslim prophet Muhammad, Sayed Muhammad Hamzah married a Pashtun woman of Kakar Tribe and he has a son name Sayed Masud (Moshwani). While Verdak and Honey from an another woman of Pushtoon Tribe and Sherani. Since the Pashtun lineage traditionally stems from the father, this tribe is not recognised as Pashtun according to Pashtunwali. Mashwanis names frequently have the prefix "Syed", meaning belonging to the family of Muhammad.
They are well settled in large numbers in the district of Haripur N.W.F.P of Pakistan and in Dir. They are still good in numbers around Kabul and more than one hundred families in Gandghar. Also they are settled in Daccan Hyderabad of India Mashwanis are brave people with some great history. They have played a brave role against Sikhs and British with Pashtun tribes of the region like Swatis, Tareens, Shalmani, and Jadoons. People like Salim Shah Mashwani, who was martyred by Sikhs, are heroes of Pashtuns.
Their spoken language is Pashto and some of the famous Khels and susbsections are Lodin, Matkani, Roghani, Kazyooni, Ghareeb, Yousafkhel, Moosakhel, Adamkhel, Sakhar, Hasanhhel (Sindh), Azadkhel, Murjankhel, Bhatal, Amanikhel, Janikhel, Rahati and senkhel duarakhhel and also japani
Syed Umer Khetab of District Haripur Gallai has researched for the last 30-35 years how the Moshwani came to Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.
Sirikot at the edge of Islamabad and Punjab but actually serikot is situated in hazara division district haripur. In hazara the main district are mansehra, abbottabad, haripur, kohistan etc. in all these district most of the people speek HINDKO. The MASHWANI living in hazara but we can proudly say that we are pathan and all mashwani who are living in haripur are 100% pushto speeking .Serikot is in tehsil ghazi but another most populated area of mashwani's is goodvalley 14 km from haripur and 15 km from Punjab (hassanabdal).Goodvalley behind the serikot and in the bottom of high hills of serikot toward haripur. other important areas of mashwani's are basu mera, bugnian and baka. Other then haripur mashwani are living in the quetta also
The Mohammadzai are a Pashtun tribe centered around Qandahar, Afghanistan. Many Mohammadzais can also be found in Afghanistan near Kabul And also Charsadda Pakistan. The tribe that took the throne from the Sadozais after they lost control of the government were the Mohammadzais, both of whom are part of the larger Abdali (Durrani) tribe. The Mohammadzai tribe is one of the most politically active tribes among the Pashtuns. People from this tribe usually have the southern dialect of Pushto and take pride in their Pashtun inhertence. Mohammadzais who live in the vicinity of Kabul, speak Dari rather than their native Pashto. Mohammadzais have been known to be one of the most educated tribes in Pushtun society. The current living king of Afghanistan Mohammad Zahir Shah is also a member of the Mohammadzai tribe. The tribe which lost power from the afghan communist government was the Mohammadzai. All of the Kings and presidents before the Communist Regime all the way up to Payinda Khan was Mohammadzai from Barakzai Lineage. Most Mohammadzais are Landowners, very successful businessmen, and political or philosophical thinkers. During the reign of Amir Abdur Rahman Khan Most Mohammadzais were sent to Northern Afghanistan for more tribal influence on the Uzbek, Tajik, and hazara clans. Therefor creating a more broad based support for his self and his tribe. You can locate Mohammadzai tribes in Herat, Kundoz, Takhar, Rostak, Maimana, Faryab, Mazar I Sharif, Faryab, Baghlan and other area's of Afghanistan.
Here is an example of some Barakzai/Mohammadzai leaders:
List of Mohamedzai Leaders
Leaders of Afghanistan
Emir Abdur Rahman Khan (October 1879/July 22, 1880-October 3, 1901)
King Habibullah Khan (October 3, 1901 - February 20, 1919)
King Amanullah Khan (February 28, 1919 - January 14, 1929)
Queen Soraya Tarzi (w. of King Amanullah Khan) (November 29, 1899 - April 20, 1968)
King Inayatullah Khan (January 14, 1929 - January 17, 1929)
King Mohammed Nadir Shah (October 17, 1929 - November 8, 1933)
King Mohammed Zahir Shah (November 8, 1933 - July 17, 1973)
President Daud Khan (July 18, 1909 - April 28, 1978)
Other Prominent Leaders
Mahmud Tarzi - Poet, Author, Ambassador, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan - Afghan thinker, Leader in the anti-British movement in India's Northwest Frontier, Advisor of Gandhi
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
(Pashto/Arabic: خان عبد الغفار خان) (b. at Hashtnagar in Utmanzai, Peshawar, North-West Frontier Province, India, c. 1890; d. in Peshawar, NWFP, Pakistan, 20 January 1988) was a Pashtun (Afghan) political and spiritual leader known for his non-violent opposition to British Rule during the final years of the Imperial rule in the Indian sub-continent. He was a lifelong pacifist and a devout Muslim. He was known as Badshah Khan (sometimes written as Bacha Khan), the King of Chiefs, and Frontier Gandhi.
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