The Tarkani (or Tarkalanri) are a Pashtun tribe located in Bajaur in the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan that number roughly 36,000 people.
Tareen (Pashto: ترین) is a prominent Pashtun tribe residing in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Tareen History
Tareenis the pashtu tribe its an important tribe of pashtun most of them they are in kandahar khushaab near kandahar airport They played a very important role in Sultan Muhammad Ghori's army and showed great bravery. The Tareen tribes of Hazara Division migrated from Kandahar in the 17th century CE under the leadership of Sher Khan Tareen.
Ahmed Shah Abdali on his conquest of India deputed powerful tribal chiefs with conquered areas. In Hazara region, amongst these deputed chiefs were Najeebullah Khan Tareen, Sa'adat Khan Swati of Garhi Habibullah, Mir Zabardast Khan Tanoli (also known as Suba Khan Tanoli), and some others. Tareens have some history with other Pashtun tribes of Hazara Division, uniting against Sikhs in the Sikh reign. People like Muhammad Khan Tareen and Bostan Khan Tareen are heroes for their staunch resistance against the Sikh empire, now reverred as heroes of Hazara history.
Tareen Residence
[The base of Tareen tribe is in Pishin near Quetta in Baluchistan province of Pakistan. This area was formerly a part of Afghanistan but was ceded to the British after the Second Afghan War. Some families migrated to [Haripur]] in Hazara in the present North West Frontier Province of Pakistan. Tareens are also settled in Quetta,Pishin, Harnai, Dukki (Only the Spin Tareen branch of the tribe), and Gulistan districts in Balochistan and Hazara, North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan. They are also present in sizeable proportions in the areas near Kandahar in Afghanistan. A provincial capital in central Afghanistan is also named "Tareen Kot" (Meaning castle of the Tareens). The Tareens have a sizeable presence in Multan since the times of Ahmad Shah Durrani. They are also settled in Sind (Where they only use the Last name as "Khan") and in India in Bhopal and even Banglore. One Abdul Karim Khan Tareen migrated from Multan to Istanbul (Then capital of erstwhile Ottoman Turkey) in mid-nineteenth century and his descendents are living in Turkey but they do not use the Sirname "Tareen", instead they use the name "Bey". Detailed History of Tareens is available in Sir Olaf Caroe's book "The Pathans", Dewan Hakam Chand (Extra Assisatnt Commissioner)'s book "Tawareekh Multan" (Histories of Multan) Published 1878 AD (One volume available in the Multan Public Library, Bagh Langhe Khan, Multan), and the "Imperial Gazetteer of Quetta and Pishin Districts" (Published in late nineteeth century by the Government of Baluchistan at Peshawar).
Subsections and Branches of The Tareen Tribe
The famous khels and subsections of the Tareen tribe are Taur, Speen, Abdaal the most important tribe of tareenz are Ibrahimzai,Most of ibrahim zai are in us near new york and ibrahim zais are from kandahar new kandahar air port khushaab, Taranzai, Mangalzai, Bedalzai and Ferozzai. Mashwanis, Swatis, and Jadoons are the closest Pashtun tribes to Tareen in the region of Hazara division, and in Multan too. they are also living in the district pishin,Mastung, Gulistan, and in Chawtair (district Ziarat).
Jahangir Khan Tareen became Pakistan's Federal Minister for Industries, Production and Special Initiatives in 2004.
Tareens also reside in Multan Pakistan and are well established in the community with many notable citizens including Gul Mohammed Khan Tareen founder of Gultex textile products. Tareens of Multan are mostly landlords, like Abdur Rehmaan Khan Tareen, whose son Tanzeef Khan Tareen holds a prestigious post of a senior civil servant in Dubai. Other notables include Prof. Faizullah Khan Tareen, who is a renowned personality of the region.
Several family's of Tareen's migrated to North America in 1970's and 1980's and are mostly involved in business and technical fields.
Principal language of Tareens is Pashto while formerly Persian was used as the language for records and correspondence. Tombstones upto late nineteenth century are in Persian. Those who have setteld away from Pishin speak local languages, such as Multani or Sraiki in Multan, Hindko in Hazara, Urdu in Bhopal and Sindhi in Sind.
Umarzai (or Omarzai) is a relatively small Pathan family group found in urban areas in Pakistan. A large group used to live in Jaranwala, Pakistan and Nakuru, Kenya but now most have them have moved to the United Kingdom. A few of them still live in Jaranwala, but all the members from Nakuru have left.
Ustarana is a Pashtoon tribe who were originally inhabitants of Dera Ismail Khan region of North West Frontier Province, Pakistan. Ustaranas were wandering people who undertook mainly pastoral and trading activities, but gradually also settled into agriculture.the origin of ustarana tribes is dera ismail khan and dukki baluchistan.the main sub casta of uatarana tribes are hassan zai,khan zai ,shabay zai,ismail zai,ahmed zai,khawaja khail,toor khail,akhozai,kara zai,etc
Utman Khel
The Utman Khel are a Pakhtun tribe who occupy the hills to the north of Peshawar in the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan. Their land lies between the Mohmands and the Ranizais of Swat, to the west and south-west of the junction of the Swat and Panjkora rivers. They claim to be descendants of Baba Utman, who accompanied Mahmud of Ghazni in his expedition into India in 997. The Utman Khel are a tall, stout and fair race, but their dress and general customs have been assimilated by the neighboring peoples of Bajour. Their land is very hilly and difficult, but well cultivated in terraces. They number some 40,000, and their fighting strength is about 8000 men. The British conducted military campaigns against them in 1852, 1878, and 1898.
The Wur (also known as Wara), along with the Kakazai and Salarzai, are a division of the Tarkani Pashtun tribe. There are about 3,000 of them living principally in the Watelai valley in Bajaur.
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