Khan Shaheed Abdul Samad Khan Achakzai (circa. 7 July 1907- 2 December 1973) (Pashto: عبدالصمد خان اڅکزی) was a Pashtun nationalist and political leader from Quetta,Pakistan. Known as "Khan Shaheed", he became the founder and head of Anjuman-i-Watan, Wror Pashtoon and Pakhtunkhwa National Awami Party. He was repeatedly imprisoned for 35 years both during the British Indian and the Pakistani government for secessionist activities. During the Independence Movement, "Anjuman-i-Watan" was first political organ in Baluchistan launched by Khan Shaheed. he was a member of theCongress party in the Balochistan area of British India, and campaigned for Pashtun autonomy in a united secular India, along with Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (Bacha Khan) in the then North-West Frontier Province. A follower of Mohandas Gandhi, he was known by many as the "Baloch Gandhi". He was a member of the National Awami Party (NAP), before forming a breakaway Pakhtunkhwa National Party and later on Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party. He was member of the Balochistan Provincial Assembly at the time of his assassination in December 1973. After Samad Khan's demise, his son Engineer Mahmood Khan Achakzai was elected the chairman of the party.[1]

Khan Shaheed Abdul Samad Khan Achakzai (circa. 7 July 1907- 2 December 1973) (Pashto: عبدالصمد خان اڅکزی) was a Pashtun nationalist and political leader from Quetta,Pakistan. Known as "Khan Shaheed", he became the founder and head of Anjuman-i-Watan, Wror Pashtoon and Pakhtunkhwa National Awami Party. He was repeatedly imprisoned for 35 years both during the British Indian and the Pakistani government for secessionist activities. During the Independence Movement, "Anjuman-i-Watan" was first political organ in Baluchistan launched by Khan Shaheed. he was a member of theCongress party in the Balochistan area of British India, and campaigned for Pashtun autonomy in a united secular India, along with Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (Bacha Khan) in the then North-West Frontier Province. A follower of Mohandas Gandhi, he was known by many as the "Baloch Gandhi". He was a member of the National Awami Party (NAP), before forming a breakaway Pakhtunkhwa National Party and later on Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party. He was member of the Balochistan Provincial Assembly at the time of his assassination in December 1973. After Samad Khan's demise, his son Engineer Mahmood Khan Achakzai was elected the chairman of the party.[1]
== Khan Shaheed Abdul Samad Khan, the pioneer of modern pashtun nationalism and Pakhtunkhwa
Khan Shaheed Abdul Samad Khan was born in Anayatullah Karez on 7 July 1907. He had one brother Abdul Salam and two sisters. His father name was Noor Muhammad Khan, whose father name was Sultan Muhammad Khan, whose father was Anayatullah Khan and whose father was Bostan Khan whose father was Barkhurdar Khan who accompanied as army General with Ahmed Shah Baba in the renowned historical battle of Pani Pat. Abdullah Khan Achakzai the cousin of Barkhurdar Khan pioneered and led the 1st Afghan revolt against the British in Afghanistan in 1841 and succeeded to kill Shuja and British Lashkar. Kila Abdullah of Pishin district is also named after him. The father of Khan Shaheed Noor Muhammad and many other members of his family fought against the British Raj in 2nd Afghan-Anglo War and they defeated them in the field of Maiwand. When Abdul Rehman empowered in Afghanistan and Ayub Khan achakzai was detained in Lahore, the family of Khan Abdul Samad Khan Shaheed sought the help of Shamshozai tribe (sub tribe of Achakzai) and stationed in Raag of Kandahar province and after the treaty of Gandamak They settled permanently in their paternal villa of Anayatullah Karaz. Khan Shaheed Abdul Samad Khan was very intellectual and sharp and he started his early education at his home from his father at the age of five. He learned Arabic, Persian and studied logic, Hadded, Tafseer of Quran and the books of Imam Ghazali when he was just 7 years old. His father died when his age was 11 years and his uncle (Mama) Muhammad Ali Khan patronized him. He started formal schooling at the age of 13 and was admitted in class 3 at the middle school of Gulistan in 1919.he was given scholarship in 4th class when he stood 1st in the entire province. His family had not enough land or any other business but his father cultivated some part of his land to live on while Khan Shaheed earned his livelihood from the small business of dry fruit when he grew up.
[edit]Early life
Achakzai was born on 7 July 1907 at Gulistan, near the city of Quetta in undivided British India. At age 13 Samad was inspired to lead a school student procession to protest against British imperialism in Afghanistan as well as in favor of the "Khilafat" Movement in India. The student procession went well and without violence as Samad firmly believed in non-violence as demonstrated by his political career. His successful student procession at Gulistan however provoked the Quetta based Political Agent of the Raj. Samad was reprimanded. His parents were warned against Samad's semi-political activity believed to be prejudicial to the British Baluchistan. This political activity led to Samad's first prison term as a political prisoner in Quetta prison for 28 days.
[edit]political struggle
Khan Shaheed was very interested in Pashto and after the demise of his father; he started learning Pashto and Pashto literature. At the very beginning, he started studying many books written by Khushal Khan Khatak, Hafiz and Ghazali but he got more interests in Pashto when he studied Mirza Khan Ansari. He wrote a topic on the importance of “Jirga” when he was the student of 8th class. In 1934-5, he got his middle level education completed but due to tight economical circumstances of his family, he had to say goodbye to his education and started the business of dry fruit in Sindh, Balochistan and Punjab. Khan Shaheed was very keen of studies he therefore, studied books most of his leisure time. He was a very rich study of religions especially Islam and Haddadhs. Ghazai Amanullah Khan In the perspective and family background of his family Khan Abdul Samad Khan was a nationalist afghan. In 1919 when the great Afghan ruler Ghazi Amanullah Khan announced the independence of Afghanistan, it shaken the British and they attacked Afghanistan for the 3rd time. All Lar-o-Bar Afghans including the Afghans of Southern and Northern detained Afghan land (from Chatral to Bolan) supported Ghazai Amanullah Khan and they fastened their belt to fight against the British in the 3rd Afghan-Anglo war. The Kakar, Tareen, Achakzai, syed and other tribes of these areas organized in various armed groups and they marched to fight the enemy and at last Afghans succeeded against the British Raj and they got independent. However, the British Raj was really shocked and they sensed that the integrity of Afghan would mean the defeat of British Raj in India. They were especially concern for the detained land from Chatral to Bolan. Hence they started conspiracies against Ghazai Amanullah Khan and at last they succeeded by the help of pro-British Mullahs, Peer and Khans and at last Amanullah Khan was dethroned and compelled to leave Afghanistan. In 1929 Shah Amanaullah left Kabul and went to Kandahar. All the Lar-O-Bar Afghan supported Ghazai Amanullah Khan politically and morally and they roused to reinstalled him on the thrown of Kabul. Many of them went to help Amanullah Khan. One of these Afghans was Khan Abdul Samad Khan Shaheed who with his elder brother Abdul Salam Khan and some of his other collogues prepared to practically participate in the battle but along with 16 collogues, he was arrested and detained him for 28 days in Police Line hence, he was arrested for the first time in his prolong jailed life. In 1929, Khan Abdul Samad Khan Shaheed went to Lahore where the annual congresses of Congress, Beharat Loksaba and other political parties used to hold their meetings. He participated in these annual congresses of these parties and enlightened himself with new and innovative nationalistic ideas for the emancipation of oppressed Afghans. On his return to home, he started preaching and awareness about the slavery in the mosques. He started his political preaching from his village mosque but he and his other friends were arrested by the British government in 1930 and they were later on charged by the pro-British Jirga for 2 years and sent to mucch jail. After their release from the jail, they went to Hind to join the first round table and present the issues of British Baluchistan in the conference. He met with Gandhi and remained his guest for fifteen days. Khan Shaheed was in Hind, when the great Afghan leader Bacha Khan also came to the conference and they for the first time met with each other and lived there together for many days. Khan Shaheed was longing for a political platform to raise voice for the due rights of Pashtoon and Baloch and at last his endeavors bore fruits and first united Pashtoon Baloch political party was established on the name of ‘Anjuman-i-Watan’ and Khan Shaheed was unanimously elected the president of the party. That struggled for the national integrity, development, provincial autonomy, knocking down of the so-called tribal heads Jirga system, and chronic Sardari system, Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR) On the call of Anjuman-i-Watan, Bacha Khan visited the province and visited the province along with Khan Shaheed. Anjuman-i- Watan affiliated with congress in 1942 on the conditions that Congress would also struggle and voice for the demarcation of autonomous provinces based on linguistic approach. 3 July 1947 Lord Mount batton transfer-of power-plane was announced and Hindustan was divided into Pakistan and India. It was also announced that the future of NWFP ( Northern Pashtoonkhawa ) would be decided by referendum while the future of British Baluchistan (Southern Pashtoonkhaw) would be decided by the Shahee Jirga (Royal Assembly consisting on British government privileged Sardars, Nawab and Khans) and Quetta Municipal Committee while looking down upon the wishes of these Pashtoon (either they wanted to join India or Pakistan but no third option of independent State) was left for the Afghans of these areas. This biased behavior of Congress and Lord Mount Battan irritated Pashtoons of the region and millions of Pashtoons were ready to take up arms for their freedom. With the announcement of freedom Act of 1947 and it (freedom Act of 1947) all the tribal areas were automatically liberated and the Act also rolled back the treaty of Durand. The imperialistic state of Punjabi and Mahajer emerged on 14 August where Pashtoons were once again deprived of their due rights and freedom and the great leaders of Pashtoon nation especially, Abdul Samad Khan Achakzai and Bacha Khan once again became the victims of Punjabi imperialists. After the emergence of Pakistan on 1947, Khan Shaheed and Bacha Khan were instantaneously arrested and thousands of Pashtoon were bulleted, pashtoon women were raped, children were orphaned and thousands of leaders and workers of the national movement were sent behind the bars. These elements didn’t stop here and they abolished the constituent assembly in 1954 and put an end to the provincial status of British Baluchistan, Sindh, NWFP (Khyber Pashtoonkhawa) and Baluchistan state Union and at last the disreputable One Unit was formed being controlled by Lahore and Dr Abdul Jabbar Khan (Dr.Khan) was the Governor of the One-unit.
[edit]Jabbar Khan(Dr. Khan Sab) became the first Chief Minister of the One-Unite
During the days of forming One unit, Khan Shaheed Abdul Samad Khan achakzai was in prison however, he continued his struggle from jail for the unification of all Pashtoon home land from Chatral to Bolan on the name of Pashtunistan. When he was released from jail after a period of 6 years in 1954 Khan Shaheed formed a new political party ==" Waroor Pashtoon".== Next year in 1955 when he went to district Loralai (Borai) for political compaign, he was again arrested on the order of Dr. Khan Sab. He made his historical address in the Lahore High court in which he represented the Pashtoon national question and demanded a united and autonomous Pashtunistan province for the Pashtoon in Pakistan. He was then released by the order of Lahore High Court in 1956. Soon after his release from jail, he started his political struggle for equality, unity and the due rights of Pashtoon and all other oppressed nations of the country. In 1956 Khan Shaheed and other leaders of all other oppressed nations of the East and West Pakistan formed a new party with the name of "National Party". National Party was formed after the merger of following parties. Waroor Pashtoon of Khan Abdul Samad Khan Shaheed. Khuda-i-Khidmatgar of Bacha Khan Sindh Hari Party of Haider Bakhsh Jatoi Sindh Awami party of J.M Syeed Azad Pakistan Party of Mian Iftikhar-u-Din of Punjab Awami League of Maulana Bashani was merged into National Party and the party was renamed as National Awami Party. NAP endeavored for abolition of One-Unite and the imperialistic policies of Punjabies against all other nations of the country. Restoration and ensuring due rights to all the nations of the country and the demarcation of new autonomous provinces on their linguistic, culture, traditions, and historical geography bases. According to the manifesto of NAP Com-missionary province or British Balochistan was a province while Kalat was a separate and independent state Whenever, the NAP started its struggle, it took aback the Punjabi army and its pro elements and they abolished the 1956 constitution and afterward in 1958 the first Martial law was imposed in Pakistan by General Ayub Khan. Ayub Khan started his cruelties against the leaders of National Awami Party leadership and Khan Abdul Samad Khan was the first victim of Ayubi martial law and was sent to prison. He was sued in a special military court held in the Quetta Municipal Corporation Hall. The military court entertained with rigorous punishment for 14 years however he was released after going through 10 years punishment. Later on, Ayub Khan started a process to remove the differences with political parties and called a round table conference. He also released all the political prisoners including Khan Abdul Samad Khan Shaheed and Sheikh Mujeeb-u- Rehman. A thrill of hope was felt that One-Unite would be abolished and new autonomous provinces would be formed demarcating the historical geography, history, cultural status of each nation. At the time Khan Shaheed was in prison, National Awami Party was divided into two groups. NAP (Wali Khan Group) and NAP (Moulana Bashani group) on some political differences. A meeting of Itehad Democratic Action Committee was called in Lahore in 1969 NAP (Wali Khan) was an important member of this alliance (Itehad). The alliance demanded the abolition of One-Unite but at the time of constructing new provinces, NAP (Wali Khan) group didn’t proposes and demanded a united province from Chatral to Bolan for Pashtoon. And once again Pashtoon were deprived of their identity. Khan Shaheed was the only Pashtoon leader who opposed this division and decision by the IDAC and NAP (Wali Khan). Khan Shaheed was released from the jail; he went to Kabul to meet Bacha Khan. And where he tried to persuade him on the integration of Pashtoon in a single and united Pashtoonistan province that was divided into Balochistan, FATA, NWFP and Attack-Mian-wali in Pakistan geographically from Chatral to Bolan but in vain. The 2nd martial law was imposed by Yahyah Khan in 1969 nevertheless; he also announced election to reduce the pressure. He announced the abolition of One-Unite and demarcation of new provinces to be demarcated after April 1970. There was a period of 6 months for creating new provinces, so Khan Shaheed paced steps and started his efforts for united province Pashtunistan for the Pashtoon areas within Pakistan. Though, Quetta and Kalat with their historical territories were two separate provinces in the manifesto of NAP yet Baloch leaders went against the party manifesto and they started conspiracies to get a united provinces consisting on Quetta (British Baluchistan province) and Kalat states. However, Khan Shaheed trickily opposed it. Khan Shaheed also wrote some letters to Pashtoon leaders including Wali Khan, Ajmal Khan Khatak, Mehmood Ali Qasoori and many others in which he tried to aware and convince them about the historical background and importance of Pashtoon homeland in Pakistan. Moreover, in April 1970 new provinces were formed but unfortunately, Pashtoon were given no province. The Northern Province was named as NWFP the same imperialistic name given by the British Raj and Quetta (British Baluchistan) was merged into Kalat states and new province Baluchistan was created. Owing to the prejudiced behavior of NAP and political ignorance of the then Pashtoon leaders Pashtoon from Chatral to Bolan remained divided into four sections including NWFP; tribal areas (FATA) and the two districts Attak and Mianwali were included in Punjab while British Baluchistan province 1887 was dispossessed of its provincial status and it was forcefully included with Kalat states (present Baluchistan). The flaccid and distant behavior of Congress, Pakistani political parties and NAP, the arguments and past experiences of these pashtoon leaders with merging and joining the political parties with non-Pashtoon politicians in Hindustan and Pakistan, they reached to the conclusion that Pashtoon nation should have separate political movement to redress the national question of Pashtoon in Pakistan. Many other Pashtoon leaders of the NAP that were also victimized, raised their voices stating that Pashtoon are not treated well and at last in July 1970, these leaders called a meeting in Hana (Quetta) in which Khan Shaheed was also invited. Eventually Khan Shaheed suggested NAP with the word ‘Pashtoonkhawa’ to be annexed at the end and hence the new wing was named as National Awami Party (Pashtoonkhawa) (The Word Pashtoonkhawa was first introduced here in the modern Pashtoon nationalism) and Khan Shaheed Abdul Samad Khan was elected as the chairman of the PNAP. on 2 December 1973 midnight (4:00 am) Abdul Samad Khan Achakzai was sleeping in his two-room-home at Jamal Din Afghani road Quetta when two grenade were hovered from the ventilator west-opened to street that caused serious injuries to him and as a result he succumbed in hospital. He was laid to rest on 4 December and his funeral prayer having the greatest numbers of people is considered the historical and mammoth prayer in the history of the province. Khan Abdul Samad Khan Shaheed devoted his entire life to the Pashtoon national movement. Khan Shaheed the pioneer of modern Pashtoon nationalism introduced the concept of Khpal kam Khpala Party.He started his struggle against the British imperialistic forces till Punjabi imperialists awakening the oppressed nations of the country especially the Afghan of southern and northern Pashtoonkhawa and demanding for their due rights and an autonomous Pashtunistan province for them. He also endeavored and voiced for Azad Afghanistan and its independence at every corner. During his great efforts, he spent 33 years of his valuable life in vagarious imprisonment, formed three political parties Anjuman-i- Watan, Waroor Pashtoon, National Awami Party and National Awami Party Pashtoonkhaw to defend the due rights of the Afghan Pashtoons.
[edit]Literary work
He also launched many newspapers and magazines including" Pashto-Urdu paper “Istiqlaal” the monthly ‘Pashto’. (Kamal Khan Sherani was the chief editor while Dr. Khudaidad was the sub-editor of monthly Pashto). Khan Shaheed Abdul Samad Khan Achakzai also translated many books from other languages to Pashto including: Tarjam-i-Quran of Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad, ‘Gulistan-i-Saadi of Sheikh Saadi, ‘Future of Freedom’ of Dotson Carto. his autobiography titled “Zema Xowand Ao Zhowandoon”. He created new and easy Pashto-alphabet titled “Pashto leek daood” A dictionary for Pashto language. The thoughts, deviation, sacrifices of Khan Abdul Samad Khan Shaheed proved that he endeavored for the freedom and unification of oppressed Pashtoon Afghans of Southern and Northern Pashtoonkhawa (Pashtunistan) and to defend the central Pashtoonkhawa (Azad Tribal areas), he also struggled for organizing a political wing for the Pashtoon-Afghan of the arena that could voice for the due rights and freedom of these Pashtoons.
S/no BOOKS BY BABA-I-PASHTOON Language 1. Zma Xowand au Jado jehad part 1 Pashto 2. Zma Xowand au Jado jehad part 2 Pashto 3. Zma Xowand au Jado jehad part 3 Pashto 4. Meri Zindagai part 1 Urdu 5. Meri Zindagai part 2 Urdu 6. Pashto dictionary Pashto 7. Tarjuman-ul-Quran Pashto 8. Serat-ul-Nabi Pashto 9. Gulistan-i-Sadi Pashto 10. Kamia-i-Sadaat Pashto 11. Azadi ka Ufaq Pashto 12. Azadi ka Ufaq Urdu 13. Pashto lik doud Pashto
Then the British Government made an abortive attempt at deviating Khan Samad Achakzai from his path of politics by offering him the post of Extra Assistant Commissioner (EAC) at Chaman. Pak-Afghan border town as well as chieftain of Achakzai tribe. He declined both these offers and decided on continuing his political journey and political career under extremely difficult and exceptional circumstances.
[edit]Political career
Khan Samad's political journey began from Gulistan in 1929. As a voracious reader with an eye on current affairs, Mr. Samad Achakzai had attained political maturity, as a teenager, on account of two earth-moving events. One was Russian revolution in Oct 1917. Russian Revolutionary labor party, BOLSHEVIK against imperialist Czar of Russia, brought in to being Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR).
1917 October Revolution freed subjugated nations of Russia on the principle of self-determination and equality of nation from the imperialist forces. It emancipated enslaved Russians and established their own Republics, where with their own free will, formed USSR, setting practical example of political ideals for national and social freedom. Such development as the evaluation of USSR, had a political impact on the political philosophy of Khan Samad Achakzai who firmly believed in the freedom of Nations from the yoke of British imperialism. Khan Maroufkhel was a big fan
[edit]Pashtun nationalists
As a Pashtun nationalist, Khan Samad Achakzai accompanied by his three colleagues Qazi Mohammad Qahir Khan, Baran Khan Kudezai and Obaidullah Khan journeyed to Lahore in Dec 1929, to listen to Indian nationalists including Dr. Saifullah Kuchlo and Sonobar Hussain Mohmand at annual Congregation of Indian Congress. Influenced by Indian Congress Congregation at Lahore, Khan on his return to Quetta, Launched his political movement with first public meeting in the city Mosque. Quetta Mosque meeting led to the arrest of Khan Samad Khan Achakzai and his two other political activists. Abdul Salam Khan and Mr. Mohammad Ayub Khan. In 1930, Khan Samad Khan was committed to Pashtun Jirga in Quetta. The Jirga convicted him and sentenced him to Two years Rigorous Imprisonment. The Jirga found him guilty of attending a political meeting at Lahore under the aegis of Indian Congress and others and distributing Political literature in Balochistan on his return from Lahore. The Jirga also found him guilty of addressing a political meeting at a mosque in Quetta. There was ban on freedom of expression and freedom of press in British Balochistan at the time. He underwent imprisonment at prison in Quetta for eleven months. Later on his release in 1931, Khan Samad Khan Achakzai, went all the way from Balochistan to Bombay the hub of political activity. At Bombay Khan Samad Khan met Mahatma Gandhi and presented to him a Pamphlet prepared by him pertaining to Balochistan problems. Mahatma Gandhi's Secretary Mr. Pyare Lal translated Khan Samad's Urdu version of the Pamphlet into English. Printing and publication of Khan Samad's pamphlet cost was borne by Mahatma Gandhi himself. It was very well circulated in the political and press circles for proper projection and publicity through print media. At Khan Samad's meeting with Mr. Gandhi before his departure for Round Table conference in London for India's independence, were present Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (Bacha Khan), Barrister Ahmad Shah, Amir Mohammad Khan and others.
[edit]Turning point
Khan Samad's meeting with Gandhiji and Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan turned out to be a turning point in his political fight for freedom. Khan Samad Khan had also met Dr. Mohammad Iqbal in Lahore. The publicity from the Punjab press gave him political morale for liberty equality fraternity and sovereignty of people. He continued his fight for freedom on Baluchistan soil and rendered supreme sacrifice and maintained relentless struggle for freedom of expression and freedom of press till he was captured in Quetta in 1942 on false and fabricated charges. Samad Khan's sacrifices and struggle contributed to freedom for India in Aug 1947....India was partitioned into two sovereign states...India (Baharat) and Pakistan. Even after the advent of Pakistan, Khan Samad Khan continued to be imprisonmed till 1954 on his release he formed a political party "Wrore Pashtun" (Pashtun Brotherhood) to fight for creation of Pashtunistan within Pakistan. After short bouts of freedom Samad was shackled again on concocted charges till Feb.24 1969 when President Field Marshal Ayub Khan agreed to the Roundtable Conference with opposition leaders of undivided Pakistan. At the roundtable conference, Khan Samad Khan strongly advocated for the creation of provinces on linguistic and cultural basis after the break-up of the then existing one unit. This one unit consisted of Punjab, Sindh, NWFP, Quetta and Qalat divisions of Balochistan. Later with one stroke of a pen Gen. Yahya Khan who had snatched power from President Field Marshal Ayub Khan broke-up the one-unit prior to General Elections of 1970. He restored all the provinces of the Punjab, Sindh and NWFP. He converted Quetta and Qalat division in to a province and elevated Balochistan to provincial status. As Khan Samad's demand for Pashtunistan province within Pakistan was not fully supported by NAP so he withdrew from NAP and formed Pashtunkhwa National Awamy Party(PNAP). He become the president of Pashtunkhwa National Awamy Party(PNAP)and Sadiq Kasi Shaheed was the first general Secretary of the party. He and his party won election on PNAP tickets and won seats in the Balochistan provincial assembly in 1970. Shaheed Khan Abdul Samad Khan Achakzai was martyred while asleep on Dec 2 1973. Two hand grenades were hurled in the bedroom of his small house by terrorists martyring his towering personality. Samad Khan always stood as a bulwark against terrorism religious extremism and subversion of people's sovereignty. [Note: After the NAP (National Awami Party) party was outlawed it resurfaced as ANP (Awami National Party) which is how it is currently known]. Khan Samad's small house built of mud cement bricks and tin still exists in a small area where some other member's of his family live. Khan's simple life style bears testimony that though he was part of the "in" crowd during late Prime Minister Mr. Z.A Bhutto yet he did not benefit personally from his position in any financial sense. Shaheed Samad Khan lived simply and died for his countrymen and as his legacy left behind a party now known as Pashtunkhwa Milli Awami Party. The poiner of khpaal Qam Khpala Party by Aryan Khan on Thursday, 2 December 2010 at 12:36 The Pioneer of khpaal Qam Khpala Party Khan Shaheed Abdul Samad Khan Axakzai A man of Parts, Baba-Pashtoon and Pashtoonkhawa
[edit]Khan Shaheed and his struggle in a bird eye view [in chronological order]
Khan Shaheed Abdul Samad Khan was born in Anayatullah Karez on 7 July 1907. Khan Shaheed had one brother Abdul Salam and two sisters. Khan Shaheed Father name was Noor Muhammad Khan Barkhurdar Khan the great grand father of Khan Shaheed accompanied as general with Ahmed Shah Baba in the renowned historical battle of Pani Pat. Abdullah Khan Achakzai the cousin of Barkhurdar Khan launched and led the 1st Afghan uprising against the British in Afghanistan in 1841 The father of Khan Shaheed Noor Muhammad and many other members of his family fought against the British Raj in 2nd Afghan-Anglo War and they defeated the British army in the field of Maiwand. Khan Shaheed started his early education at his home from his father at the age of five. Khan Shaheed learned Arabic, Persian and studied logic, Haddad, Tafseer of Quran and the books of Imam Ghazali when he was just 7 years. Khan Shaheed’s father died when his age was 11 years and his uncle (Mama) Muhammad Ali Khan patronized him. In 1919,Khan Shahee started his formal schooling at the age of 13 and he was admitted in class 3 at the middle school of Gulistan Khan Shaheed was given scholarship in 4th class when he stood 1st in the entire province. Khan Shaheed earned his livelihood from the small business of dry fruit. He wrote a topic on the importance of “Jirga” when he was the student of 8th class. In 1934-5. in 1929 Khan Shaheed was arrested for the first time and he was detained for 28 days in Police Line. In 1929, Khan Abdul Samad Khan Shaheed went to Lahore to participate in the annual session of Congress and other political parties Khan Shaheed started his political preaching from his village mosque. British government arrested Khan Shaheed in 1930 and later on charged him by the pro-British Jirga for 2 years and sent him to Much jail where he met Yousaf Ali Magsi for the first time. Khan Shaheed saw with Gandhi in the first round table in 1930 and remained his guest for fifteen days. Khan Shaheed and Bacha Khan met for the first time in the first round table conference and lived there together for many days. In 19 32 a joint meeting of PAshtoon and BAlooch was held in Jakababad under the titled of Balochistan Conference and Khan SHaheed was in chair. Owing to the constant struggle of Khan Baba and his colleagues Press Act was passed in 1936. Khan Shaheed with the financial and moral support of his friends established Aziz Electric Press at Prince Road. in 1938 Khan Shaheed was the first journalist and political leader in the province who launched a daily “ the Isteeqlal”. “ the Isteeqlal” was published both in Pashto and Urdu. Editorial staff of the Isteeklal were Muhammad Ayub Khan Achakzai, Mir Abdul Aziz Kurd, Mir Atta Muhammad, Marghzani, Mir Shahbaz Khan Sherwani, Muhammad Hussain Anqa, Muhammad Hussain Nizami and Muhammad Naseem Talvee while Qadoos Bathai was the first assistant Editor. The first Pashtoon Baloch political party was established on the name of ‘Anjuman-i-Watan’ and Khan Shaheed was its first chairman. 1939 Anjuman-i- Watan chalked out non- cooperation policy with British government of Hind when 2nd great world war initiated In 1942 Anjuman-i- Watan supported Congress for its quit India movement against the British. Anjuman-i- Watan affiliated with congress in 1942 in the Karachi meeting on the point that Congress would struggle and voice for the demarcation of autonomous provinces based on linguistic basis. Anjuman-i-Watan, Khudai-Khidmat movement and other pashtoon leaders called Grand National jirga in 1947 in Bannu and passed the historical Bannu Resolution and demanded an independent state for Pashtoon on the name of Pashtunistan. After the emergence of Pakistan on 1947, Khan Shaheed and Bacha Khan were instantaneously arrested. In 1950, the government banned on “daily the Istakelal”. Kamal Khan Sherani was the chief editor while Dr. Khudaidad was the sub-editor of monthly Pashto One unit was formed in 1954 and it was controlled by Lahore. Abdul Jabbar Khan (Dr. Khan Saab) became the first Chief Minister of the One-Unite. 1954 Khan Shaheed formed a new political party " Waroor Pashtoon". in his historical address in the Lahore High court he demanded united and autonomous Pashtunistan province. In 1956 Khan Shaheed and all other oppressed nations’ leaders of the East and West Pakistan formed a new party with the name of "National Party". National Party was formed after the merger of following parties. Waroor Pashtoon of Khan Abdul Samad Khan Shaheed. Khuda-i-Khidmatgar of Bacha Khan Sindh Hari Party of Haider Bakhsh Jatoi Sindh Awami party of J.M Syeed Azad Pakistan Party of Mian Iftikhar-u-Din of Punjab Awami League of Maulana Bashani was merged into National Party and the party was renamed as National Awami Party. Khan Abdul Samad Khan was the first political victim of Ayubi martial law when he was sent to prison. A special military court was held by the Ayubi martial law in the Quetta Municipal Corporation Hall that sentenced him for 14 years. Khan Shaheed spent the tenure of his 14 year vigorous punishment in Hari-pur, Much, Multan Lahore and other prisons of the country. During prison of Khan Shaheed, National Awami Party was divided into two groups. NAP (Wali Khan Group) and (Moulana Bashani group) on some political differences. A meeting of Itehad Democratic Action Committee (IDAC) was called in Lahore in 1969. but NAP (Wali Khan) group didn’t propose and demand a united province from Chatral to Bolan In 1969, Ayub Khan called a round table conference and released all the political prisoners including Khan Abdul Samad Khan Shaheed and Sheikh Mujeeb-u- Rehman. Khan Shaheed was the only Pashtoon leader who opposed this division and decision by the IDAC and NAP (Wali Khan). in July 1970, Pashtoonkhawa National Awami Party was formed. December 1970, Pashtoonkhawa National Awami Party participated in the general elections where Khan Shaheed won the provincial assembly seat. in 1972 The first meeting of Balochistan assembly was called and chaired by Khan Abdul Samad Khan Shaheed. in 1972, Khan Shaheed was the first opposition leader in Balochistan assembly. 2 December 1973 at midnight (4:00 am) two grenades were hovered on Abdul Samad Khan Achakzai as a result he succumbed in hospital. Khan Shaheed was killed in home at Jamal Din Afghani road Quetta. Khan Shaheed translated many books from other languages to Pashto including Tarjam-i-Quran of Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad, ‘Gulistan-i-Saadi of Sheikh Saadi, and ‘Future of Freedom’ of Dotson Carto. and‘Seerat-ul-Nabi of Shubli Numani into Pashto. Khan Shaheed created new and easy Pashto-alphabet titled “Pashto leek daood” for Pashto and the dictionary for Pashto language.
14. 25 July 1930 Two years rigorous punishment 15. 9 July 1931 Release 16. January 1934 3 years rigorous punishment 17. 7 May 1936 Released from prison 18. January 1940 Arrested but soon released 19. 9 August 1942 arrested 20. 1945 Released 21. 14 March 1948 Arrested for one month 22. 10 April 1948 14 March 1948 punishment was extended for one month 23. 13 May 1948 Released 24. 3 August 1948 Arrested for 6 months 25. 27 January 1948 Prison extended for 6 months from his release day 26. 25 July 1949 Prison extended for 6 months from his release day 27. 15 July 1950 Prison extended for 6 months from his release day 28. 12 November 1951 Prison extended for 6 months from his release day 29. 4 January 1952 Prison extended for 6 months from his release day 30. 8 July 1952 Prison extended for 6 months from his release day 31. 24 January 1953 Prison extended for 6 months from his release day 32. 10 January 1954 Released 33. July 1954 Arrested for one year 34. July 1955 Released 35. September 1955 Arrested 36. 4 September Prison extended for 6 months from his release day 37. 3 January 1956 Released for some days 38. January 1956 Arrested 39. December 1956 Released by Lahore High Court 40. October 1956 Arrested for 14 years with rigorous punishment 41. 24 April 1968 Released after 14 years 42. 7 May 1968 Again arrested after one month 43. June 1968 Released
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